
Posts Tagged ‘Road Trip’

Cram Session

Its the night before the big day. The car is packed, Rileypants is perched atop the leather coach, and the Vander Clan house is quiet. There’s just one problem. . . . Its 12:17 and we’re still awake furiously catching up on all those last minuteĀ  correspondences we’ve been meaning to get to. Whether its the brilliant glow of 27″ iMac or the fear of being without internet for the next day, these tasks seem too important to let wait.

Here are a few things that have been on our minds…

  1. Obviously, we have to give a HUGE ‘Tip of the Hat’ to our good friend T-MAN who was officially offered an internship with a production studio called 44 Blue, he rambled on some bullshit about how they give creative control to the interns, but we all know that’s just so you don’t take compromising pictures of stars with your camera phone.
  2. We suddenly realized that a last day of 997 miles probably wasn’t going to do good things for our relationship, and then realizing that there is literally NOTHING around our half-way point of that leg. I mean, when the only roads on the screen are ‘Farm to Market Road 3078’ and ‘Ranch Road 2189’ one starts to realize just how desolate West Texas really is.
  3. Leaving our families has to be one of the hardest things about this move. As my mother cried as we parted ways I felt the true breadth of the love she has for me. I have been so caught up in the economic, scheduling, and logistical challenges I’ve forgotten that trips home to see family are going to be much less frequent. KV and I have been amazed at how supportive, encouraging, and engaged they have been with the whole moving process, whether it is buying gift cards to Target or both families buying us coolers for the long car ride down. We definitely have the Chex Mix situation taken care of.

And now a video!

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