
Posts Tagged ‘Politics’

Okay, I’ll grant you: this is a pretty obvious one.  In the grand stereotypes of our political arena, Oregon coming up blue and Texas showing its red is no surprise to anyone with one ear to a media outlet.  But hear me out!  There is more to see than meets the eye, even if the reality is like a tiny little blueberry tree growing in a strawberry field…anyway, here goes.

First let me give credit to one of the very promising voices I’ve encountered in Texas when it comes to local politics.  The Texas Tribune is my favorite source that combines news with a bit of liberal opinion thrown in (in this liberal’s opinion, anyway).

Texas Tribune

Clean, simple, and only one reference to the state flag.

Unlike websites like MySA, which in this reporter’s opinion has fallen victim to the local newspaper’s deadly cocktail of low funding and even lower hiring pools for objective writers, the Tribune offers news without any agenda pushing or distasteful  bias.  Their website is also quite spiffy and boasts such useful tools as an Elected Official Directory and a page aptly named Data, which is home to a slew of facts and figures surrounding Texas government, from salaries of officials to a map of the Capitol (’cause who can figure THAT place out).

Take a looksie at the Tribune if you’re curious – they’ve got some well-reported (even if not all of it actually good) news to share.  I’m also a new found fan of the Texas Observer, which bills itself as a “nonprofit news organization that specializes in investigative, political and social-justice reporting from the strangest state in the Union.”  Cheers to that sentiment.

Now don’t think my quest to uncover the mysteries of Texas politics are all about conservative bashing and finding liberal strongholds.  I will be the very first person to stand up with a Texas flag in hand to say thank you very much Governor Perry for hiring smart advisors and creating an economic climate where poor little recent college grads like us can make our way in the world and start chipping away at our Patriot Debts/College Loans.  However, I do recognize the difficulty in trying to find the social political good in a state that results in stories like this on the Daily Show (the jump is, incidentally, to the Texas Dems web site).  The economic political good is what we’re focusing on for the moment.

Compare the Daily Show jab to the story on Morning Edition today about the high quality of life even the underemployed 20-something masses of Portland enjoy.  My favorite quote from the story?  After referencing food carts, microbreweries, outdoor activities, unemployment, and using the word “half-rican”, the reporter remarks,

Turns out the stereotypes about Portland are largely true.

And so it would seem to ring true of Texas stereotypes as well.  From continued efforts to overturn Roe v. Wade to illegal immigration concerns, sometimes the stereotypes are most convenient when they’re true.  But this new (and dare I say, even proud) Texan has hope that the continued economic boom in this rouge stronghold will continue to bring young, fresh-minded citizens who send new ideas to the Capitol floor.

In the meantime, we’ll keep the BBQ and rodeo updates coming.

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